Acid Thoughts

A free form narrative of intrusive thought

By Basia Diagne


everyone of us has a light to share, an ember waiting to spark. a chance to be us, to reach our dreams- the things we never thought possible. but freedom is only so the nectar of struggle so long as we all get to drink from the cup. 

we could keep writing poems, in fact we will. because for as long as we do, we live forever. we are eternally sacred, our stories live on in the stories we leave people with. there is no i in all of this, no one wins if it’s 1 vs 1, we have to work as a team to make our efforts known.  

are  you giving equally in all your relationships? is there even such a thing? for love to be infinite, does it require an imagined glass ceiling, bound by our notion of time and space? there is only ever a glass ceiling where you see it placed, otherwise your energy vibrates different. there is a place for every one and everything, everyone can have a home in my heart so long as they treat it as they would their home. 

are we even aware most of the time? do we see things as they are or as we want them to be? to think beyond that feels like an escape into another dimension. to have no fear is all i ever want. to love and be loved. to understand and be understood.

energy is always being exchanged, all the time, it is a portal between dimensions, that is why we must be transparent but yet protective with our energy. it is the only currency we’ll ever understand, the only one that reflects any semblance of our inherent value.


your energy starts here, from the center. when you vibrate higher with honesty, with clarity, you show up for yourself and you show up for other people. you see them as fragmented mirrors of you, oscillating back and forth like two forces of the same continuum. do you like who you see? are you proud? how else can you show up for yourself and the ones that matter?

when you show up for yourself and others, you allow your community to heal from within the crack in the cradle that birthed humanity. the karmic cycle persists, we can’t be liberated from it if we refuse to see it. 


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