POP Artist Highlight

By Generation POP

An entire thesis dissertation can be written on this persons character & their overall art form. What makes a great artist is not just what they create but their ability to never give up when things look tough & this persons resilience has been shown time & time again.

I had the pleasure to meet this person on the campus of Clark Atlanta University. From a former student of mines to now one of my favorite creators and a true inspiration - meet Asia Comans or as we call her here at POPOUT zine - OG POP.


Asia, a California native earned her name OG POP by literally being an OG. When POPOUT zine first began in 2018, Asia was one of the few people who believed in the vision.  She worked virtually with me (Chief POP) while she was in LA & I in Paris to execute my dream in which she ultimately made hers.

Ironically enough, Asia created a small magazine in our undergraduate days that would spark a light inside of me to create POPOUT zine. It’s so true, your tribe reflects you & it is an honor to have her apart of my tribe and business. 

There are a few ingredients that makes Asia our POP Artist for the month of August: talent, faith in self, true leadership & always being ‘with the shits’ - meaning always down for the cause no matter the situation. 

Asia goes out of the way to get the job done with such grace & passion. I couldn’t have asked for a better right hand WOman. Asia has a natural ability to just listen, which makes her a great leader and teammate.

Asia is consistent which will take her far in life. She gets the job done with NO complaints and executes it like it was no hassle at all. Chemistry in working relationships are hard to come across so I am blessed to have such a caring heart in my corner.

As she is currently working towards her MBA in Business Administration, she is also a strong foundation for her family, friends & of course POPOUT zine.  Asia is a diverse photographer, video editor & an overall dope person.

Did you know she creates the monthly videos for POPOUT zine? She is never afraid to try & learn something new to elevate the brand. I constantly remind Asia: that no matter the lifetime I will always choose to have her on my team. 

Asia, Generation POP takes the time to acknowledge your loyal nature, loving heart & beautiful talent! THANK YOU! You deserve your flowers now & everyday after. 

- Words written by Chief POP 

Aalyiah Heath

Aalyiah Heath, a girl from Detroit, making big waves in Paris, France for the past 8 years. Curator & Creative Director - connecting people to meaningful moments & art to hearts.


New School Mckeys to Success Edition
