Take Me Back

by Lauren Alyse

It's the faint vanilla scent of an old book

That sweet smell takes me back

Back to the good old days
When mommy would read every night
As we fell asleep on Lion King sheets

Back when Saturdays meant cutting out comics from newspaper
And cereal was made for watching early morning cartoons

That sweet smell takes me back

Back to where wishes came true on dandelions

When helicopter seeds were our greatest entertainment

Back when my future was decided by M.A.S.H
And Bratz dolls influenced fashion more than Vogue

Those were the best days
If only I could truly go back

But if I could…
Would I take that chance?

With such a promising future

Blessings coming in abundance
More than a house can hold

Would I go back?
When relationships are being created
and new memories have taken shape

While there is beauty in nostalgia
My wistful love for the past

I delight in my present

By and by
I will ponder just the same
If only I could go back to today



