Spiritual Warfare

by Madame Lee B.

Who do you stand for? What do you stand for?  Why do you stand? 

God replied… “Be decisive. Take a stand & stop being neutral! What’s the point of being a true believer if you allow yourself to be a vessel for anything?”


We have to choose a side in this war.

We cannot tread the line.

We have to stand firm in what we know is true.

Make a statement & don’t be afraid because - YOU KNOW.

Stand firm in your truth, in your faith, even if it’s beyond popular belief. 

Steadfastness - Loyalty - Faithfulness

If you feel like you’re losing - will you still be faithful? Will you still keep going?

SPEAK what you believe - even when you are afraid.

LIVE what you believe - even when you are afraid.

BE the light - even when you are afraid.

BUT there’s no need for fear.

YOU are the light…

Be open to learn, but don’t compromise your beliefs.

Cliches are true - if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything 

Love, Vigilance, Steadfastness.

The war is already won.


Absorbing Photons