who am i

by Alyssia McCloud

i am the wind

i blow with consistency

i offer gentle nudges when the message is subtle and heavy gusts when the message concerns the black lives that matter

i am the tree tops

i am the shade amongst the heavy heat -

the intercessor meant to soak up the sweltering battle, providing a moment’s relief

i am the earth

i cushion the footsteps of the driven

i push back in assistance when their feet are slowed with hopelessness

i am arms that wrap them up with comfort

i am words that add kindling to the flame within their souls

i am the voice that will not be quieted

the voice that screeches for my children and for my brothers and for my fathers

i am the heart

that beats loudly

of the worth with which God anointed me when He wrapped me in this skin

that purrs softly with we shall overcomes and how long sweet Jesus

that thumps with the cadence of determination to which we march on

that pumps life into those around me

that we may stand to fight another day

in the revolution

i am mother

i am soldier

i am life

i am woman

i am fighting


for freedom

i am unLYSHed



Who Are You?


I Am Human