Words from the Editor
Hey POP Planet 🖖
Theres a lot of thoughtcrime going on this day and age. Thoughtcrime was a term coined by George Orwell in the book 1984 that describes a person's politically unorthodox thoughts, such as unspoken beliefs and doubts that contradict the dominant ideology. The punishment for thoughtcrime was death. After reading that, it instantly reminded me how important opinions and thoughts can be. We live in a time where there is much uproar because of differences of lifestyle and opinions. Each day people are being crucified for their beliefs or nervous to speak because of the deadly effects of ‘cancel culture.’ That’s why we have created a safe space to share meaningful messages through art. It is important for us to spread the good news even if it is beyond popular belief.
So my message to the future is indeed a message to the present:
Know that your thoughts become tangible. Those thoughts create the present which indeed shapes the future. All of that to say that the future starts with YOU! Damn we’re all creators - pay attention to what you create.
Signing off,
A hopeful person in 2021 who has committed thoughtcrime.
12:51 am
10 Sept. 2021
Paris, France
‘The way to become a legend is to leave something for the future!’
— Aalyiah Heath