New School Mckeys to Success Edition

Article by Corinthian Elizabeth

Right now my heart aches for the children.

The children that are in cages,  the children that are victims of human trafficking, the children that are being faced with the danger of potentially going back to school, and the children that are stuck at home in the least desirable circumstances are all occupying my thoughts, prayers, and pages in my journal to send them healing right now.

Knowing that I am here to be of service to humanity and understanding that my life’s calling is in alignment with teaching children how to heal themselves - I feel conflicted at this very moment. I find myself angry and sickened at the fact that the very system that poses to have the best interest of children at heart has proven the exact opposite.

I’m also grieving because I want to save every child that’s in harms way right now, give them a hug, and make sure that they have all that they need, especially love. I wish that I could just put on a cape and save the day.

As bad as I want to skip to the end of the prophecy playing out where the meek inherit the earth, the righteous ascend, evil is cast out, and the old becomes new; I’m reminded that there is still work to be done

I’m reminded of the work that I did in the classroom this year as a first year teacher before the pandemic shut down schools. Back in 2016 while working for the State of Texas, I had a spiritual awakening. I realized that the work that I was doing for children no longer aligned with my soul’s calling.

The Creator gave me a new vision for changing the way that children are educated in school globally.

This vision focused around teaching them of knowledge of self, meditation, and artistic expression. This is exactly what I did this past year as a first in my classroom. Seeing the benefits of this method of teaching firsthand, I believe that now more than ever is the time for a complete revolution in education. Not just with virtual learning options but with a complete reset on what children are taught as a whole.

Here is a poem that I wrote back when the Creator was giving me the  blueprint for change in 2016. It is also an excerpt from my next book “The Book of Corinthian Chapter Two: Melanin Rising”.

I believe the children are our future

May your spirit continue to grow Mrs. Houston

Picture kids on a new level of consciousness

Meditating, yoga, and consuming healthy lunches

These gems are gifts

Earths  angels

Indigos, crystals, and the rainbows

Here to raise the planet’s vibration

Demonstrating the beauty in individualization

While living in freedom and walking in their truth

Uncovering secrets from the fountain of youth

Picture all their chakras balanced

Rich in gifts and talents

Aligned with their soul missions

Having already found them

Lyrical geniuses tuned with their hobbies

Psychic abilities predicting the lottery

Learning in depth astrology

Where math  is numerology

Being one with nature is biology

Intuition is psychology

And every child is a prodigy


Imagine mind, body, and spirit are balanced

Deciphering codes of the Emerald tablets

Various types of intelligences mastered

Where healing takes place before natural disasters

A place where super psychic is normal

Education isn’t as formal

And the truth is exposed about global warming

Beauty is shared honoring all cultures

Building glass and pottery sculptures

Where self expression is appreciated

Being receptive to the love of the Creator

In turn loving thy neighbor

Enlightenment on more than  just the basics

Establishing solid  spiritual foundations

Reaching the kids  before they get ten cases

Seeing the smiles on their faces

Because everyone is  treated equal

Dr. King I too have a dream, this is the sequel

Uniting individuals interconnected as one

An environment where love has already won


Welcome to Mckeys to Success

Where every child is a genius

Children are not judged by tests

But recognized for their achievements

This is the beginning

Of a new dimension

Off to the future

It’s time for ascension

Wouldn’t this be an amazing alternative to “school” as we know it? Maybe It’s the light worker in me or maybe I’m just a hopeless romantic, but I still believe that this generation will be the ones that actually save us.

In the meantime, we must give them the tools, hold them in the highest light, and teach them how to heal and educate themselves.  



let me explain.


Metaphysical Dilemna