Angel Talk

by Space POP


I've been thinking about the glitter in your green eyes

How it would walk right across the room 

And sprinkle Gypsy stories in my face

I still haven't met anyone else who can stop my breath without speaking

We never did say much out loud

Only angels could hear our small talk

Made in backseat Ubers and cross table gazes

I knew I wouldn't have you for long

Because our language wasn't made for humans

It was an accident that we even got it

It was a once in a lifetime wave 

That rides in for a second

then is ripped back by the moon

What we had was cast by a spell

And made for outer body eighth dimensional love

So I told you to be careful,

To always watch out for where you laid your head at night

Because not everyone is fluent in you

I've been talking to God and He says that 

The same thing that gave us our language

Could be the same thing to take us out

We knew too much

Had too many stories

We had become a universal liability

And now it had pulled you down

Six feet under

With me still here

Speaking in our language


Ashley Pena

Braylen Dion


New Spectrums

