An Offering
By Morshan Ward II
"The Matrix Roses"
18/24 acrylic on canvas 2015-2016
Two roses just to help depict the different kinds of Love - Warm & Cool. I feel like my earlier work, well my work during that time period, definitely was much more simpler & inspired by colors and styles rather than emotions, which is how I paint today.
"Western Iguana”
3/4 feet oil On Canvas - 2021
In this particular painting I was trying to show the emotions I was feeling through color. A wide range of ‘I don't know,’ & ‘moody’ - which is a consistent theme in my Art.
In my most recent work I try to give off moody. I personally feel a dramatic improvement in detail and scale over the years.
"An offering" 2020
Oil on Canvas 30/40 in’
This painting is a master copy of a Caravaggio, just done in my way.
This was me showing a ‘graduation’ in a sense of what I am capable of when it comes to painting. This was also the start of a new style coming into my journey.
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