An Oath of Allegiance
By Deniz Burnaz
I have to look so high, to be able to see the sky – skyscrapers, scraping my eye.
My neck hurts, and my feet are too far away from Life. put socks and shoes and three whole stairs between me and the ground. floating in a manmade étage, surrounded with furniture, furniture I like, furniture who don’t breathe, the opposite of Life. floating in a manmade étage, starting to feel like furniture, trying to remember who I was, from the sounds of the birds I can barely make out.
Surrounded by reality,
while The Real is outside.
Hence this poem’s begun,
grass shatters cement, a wrong is undone
sea takes over, beware the fall down
The act commences
[Mother’s riot scene one]
Pandemic, on full screen: using nature as a means is what bring the end. Been stealing from The Nourisher, time to pay the debt. Days’ rest numbered, if we don’t cooperate. An oath of allegiance shall be took, to our ecosystem. That day, fire shall be ceased, no building shall ever compete with the sky nor any human ego with Nature, The Creator of us, of all.
The ongoing exploitation, destruction, thievery, fraud shall halt and birds shall fly high and children shall know of a third dimension, not displayed on Ipads nor Iphones, this two-dimensional existence shall come to an end, man shall know himself as one with nature and little papers with numbers on them shall be regarded as little papers with numbers on them – they shall never interfere with the ways of Nature, nor have a say in matters of Life
Until then,
the poetess in her deathbed,
offers this day back to